На данной странице сайта можно скачать [GM] Extreme Warfare BattleLion v1.6 TDM [ENG].
Файл размещён в категории - TDM для GTA SA-MP 0.3.7, 0.3.8 | 2019

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[GM] Extreme Warfare BattleLion v1.6 TDM [ENG]
[ Скачать с сервера (200.8 Kb) ] 18.01.2025, 11:20
[GM] Extreme Warfare BattleLion v1.6 TDM [ENG] Описание:


-/plantbomb for bomber
-/abomb to explode nearest player for bomber class
-/AFK for get afk
-/Back for Back from AFK mode
-/rules to check rules
-/duelcreate for creating a duel(for public not for specify player)
-/acceptduel for accepting duel that someone else made before
-/jp for Pilot, VIP, captain class
-/report to reporting hacker/cheater/rule breakers
-/helpme for asking specify problem to whole online administrators
-/stats for checking player's stats
-/PM ID Text
-/resetstats for reseting your stats. Everything would be resseted except money, and level
-/changeteam for changing player class/team
-/t for team chat


-/kick for kick specify player
-/ban for ban specify player
-/explode for exploding selected player.
-/Warn for warning player
-/go ID to go to selected player location
-/get ID to get selected player
-/freeze ID for freezing specified player
-/unfreeze ID for unfreeze
-/scoreindonesia ammount to giving score to Indonesian team
-/scorearab ammount to giving score to arabian team
-/scorerussia ammount to giving score to russian team
-/scoreusa ammount to giving score to USA team
-/scoreengland ammount to giving score to england team
-/scorefrance ammount to giving score to france team
-/endduel for ending and spawning player in duel
-/enablechat to enabling main chat
-/disablechat for disabling main chat
-/mute for muting a player
-/unmute for unmute a player
-/announce for announcing something
-/spawn ID for spawning specify player
-/spawnall for spawning all players in server
-/aeject for eject selected player from theirvehicle
-/ejectall for ejecting everybody from their vehicle
-/setscore to setting player score
-/setscoreall to setting all score
-/ascore to give score
-/scoreall to give everybody score
-/moneyindonesia ammount to giving money to indonesian team
-/moneyarab ammount to giving money to arabian team
-/moneyusa ammount to giving money to USA team
-/moneyfrance ammount to giving money to France team
-/moneyrussia ammount to giving money to russian team
-/moneyengland ammount to giving money to england team
-/setadmin to set player admin level
-/setvip to set player vip level
-/a for admin chat
-/aheal for healing player
-/healall for healing everybody
-/givemoney for giving money to selected player
-/givemoneyall for giving everybody money.

Категория: TDM | Добавил: GrandTV | Теги: Warfare, Extreme, ENG, GM, v1.6, TDM, BattleLion
Просмотров: 5395 | Загрузок: 3041 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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